Friday, August 13, 2010

Pretension Busters: Challenges

Who would have thought they'd be so long and so hard?

see why

There is a Time

2010-08-12 Irene Henderson
When Jesus declares in the Beatitudes: "Blessed are..." he is not making a future promised contingent upon the realization of some condition. No, he is establishing a present condition, in this time, right now. Indeed, there is a time for every matter under the sun and the Lord of all time has made each time beautiful in its time. Our dear Irene knew this. Thanks be to God for the life of this woman!
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, 11a
Matthew 5:1-10

Monday, August 9, 2010

Pretension Busters: Burnout

Attitudes are contagious, dangerous...
...even lethal.

Come, visit St. Martie's Place

Pretension Busters: Blogging

Blogging and preaching...
...they're connected.

Visit St. Martie's Place and see how